The Walddoline
Far less is known about the Walddolines of C. H. Boehm than about his Waldzithers (in Martina Rosenberger‘s Waldzither-Puzzle, they are also only marginally mentioned). These instruments were produced in much lower quantities (which of course also means that far less of them have survived), and this may also be the reason for the almost “mythical” aura which seems to surround them. Early specimens are almost totally missing so that it is impossible to say anything substantial about the early development of this type of instrument. But what is known is that Boehm registered on April 6th 1904 the trademark "Walddoline" at the patent office (Nr. 73575); the entry in the trademark register followed on November 3rd 1904 (from 1906 on, Boehm advertises his Walddoline also in the Hamburg yellow pages). The early instruments differ from the later ones by having a round sound hole (instead of an oval one); this is also how the Walddoline is presented in the 1912 catalogue.
1912 Catalogue
Judged by the photos in this catalogue, the earliest Walddolines had winged tailpieces and tuners with a single hump in the middle as they were also used on the Waldzithers of this time (that is ca. 1905; the catalogue pictures are clearly not from 1912). But all Walddolines actually known today have the standard Waldzither tailpie ces
In later times, Boehm also differentiated his Walddoline Nr. 1 into a Model Nr. 1A and a Model Nr. 1C. The design of these two models is hardly different but Boehm here also uses cherry wood for the back and sides (instead of maple). In reaction to the financial situation of his customers during and after the Great Depression of 1929, Boehm offers on a price list from 1934 also an inexpensive entry- level model (as he did with his waldzithers
It is presently impossible to say when Boehm started to supply his Walddolines with an oval sound hole but instruments of this type are documented at least from ca. 1920 on. The catalogues are again of no help here, for the photos displayed in them are far older than the catalogues themselves. In the 1926 catalogue for example, only the newly included Models Nr. 1A and Nr. 1C have oval sound holes, the photo of Model Nr. 2 is still the same as in the 1912 catalogue. In the 1929 catalogue at last, Model Nr. 2 is also shown with an oval sound hole.
1926 Catalogue 1929 Catalogue
There are not many design variants for the Walddoline, but this can hardly be expected with only about known 20 specimens. Nr. 1A has two different sizes of scratch plate,
The oldest label that is yet known is identical to the waldzither labels
At least from the middle of the 1920s on, Boehm started to use special labels for his Walddoline; such a label is also displayed in the 1926 and 1929 Catalogues. It is similar to the Waldzither label of the same time but with the difference that it has written “Walddoline” and not “Boehm-Waldzither” on it:
Some Walddolines have Waldzither labels with some words blackened out. Interestingly, it is not the words “Boehm Waldzither” which are blackened out but the address and telephone number of the Boehm Company: The reason for the blackening out is thus not the fact that these are alienated Waldzither labels, but it could be the case that the instruments were made after 1931 (when Boehm’s telephone number changed), or even after 1937 (when the postal district of the Boehm Company changed from “Hamburg 5” to “Hamburg 1” by means of the Greater Hamburg Act). But then, again, Waldzithers with such a blackening of the address have not been observed until now.
There is one more label for the Walddoline which is similar to the
The GEWA Company obviously never produced Walddolines; this may be due to the fact that they had already several mandolins in their program when Georg Walther took over the Boehm Company in 1942. The 1960 GEWA Catalog also has no Walddoline in it.